The intriguing picture has been publicly available for some time now, and it has been subject of debate ever since it was published on the University of Arizona site. Ever since it began circulating the internet in 2010, scientists have proposed different theories as to what the mysterious formations present in the picture could be. The official explanation however, is not sufficient enough to please the UFO community that, after thoroughly analyzing the presented material, reached a contrary conclusion to the scientific community. So what’s so unusual about the NASA picture you might ask?
Let’s start with what the UFO community has to say about this. The highlighted picture shows bizarre areas over the arid dunes of Mars. When zooming in on the anomalies their features become clearer, revealing a strong resemblance to the trees found on Earth. There are also silver areas around them, which analysts consider to be remains of frozen water embedded on the surface. If proven to be true, this fact should explain how the alleged trees get to grow on the surface of the planet.
Opinions are now split between the two communities, as science refers to the anomalous dark lines as dark streaks of material running down the side of the sand dunes due to carbon dioxide frost evaporation. NASA also admits to altering the picture so that the dark streaks appear more prominent. But can the scientific community be trusted with this explanation?

According to various analysts, the strong resemblance between the dark patches and trees is a clear indicator of life still evolving on the Martian terrain. They now believe that NASA is once again covering this up for unclear reasons. Their claims are fueled by a recent event in which the renowned space agency announced the presence of liquid water on Mars after at least a decade after its discovery. The multitude of bizarre artefacts spotted on the Red Planet is another reason why some people consider the trust in official explanations to be an unhealthy practice.
To furtherly dismiss the ‘tree speculation’ as pure nonsense, skeptics have wondered about all the dead leafs that are seemingly missing from the picture, but at the same time they have provided an answer to their question. Understanding that Mars used to have the right conditions for life to develop in the distant past is the first step, and presuming that this habitable past hadn’t been as far as they want us to believe may provide the next answer.
In other words, the alleged trees may lack the leafs on both the branches and on the ground because they are already dead, with the wind scattering any visible leaf traces across the vast Martian dunes, blending them with the sand. If this proves to be correct, then life on Mars may had ended sooner rather than later, and there is countless evidence to support this hypothesis.
YouTube user ‘Thor’ has brought more evidence supporting the Martian trees hypothesis. He asserted that “there are almost identical geographic formations in the tundra of Siberia. Now there is unequivocal proof that high salinity, liquid water does exist on Mars it’s guaranteed that the geological and meteorological processes that cause these formations on Earth are replicated on the surface of Mars too.”
There is ample evidence to support both community claims, leaving room for plenty of speculation. It remains up to the open-minded people to filter the information and eventually reach their own conclusions. NASA link